Thursday, July 9, 2015

Disaster Management Perspectives of Grave Nature En

Disaster Management Perspectives of Grave Nature
Krishna Kumar Tamang, PhD

United Nations Organization annually celebrates the International Day of Natural Disaster Mitigation on second Wednesday of every October to mark significance of disaster mitigation. This motivates worldwide people and governments towards building risk-resistant communities and nations. On the occasion all the Medias do coverage as campaigns on awareness based programs. The government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions and alike rational civic bodies organize programs of public awareness through drama, competitions on drawing and painting, photography, speech delivery, morning rallies, tree implants, seminars, talk programs and so forth so on. The main theme focuses onto mitigate the loss of lives and properties against the unpredictable occurrence of unfortunate natural disasters beyond human capacity. In the context of Nepal earthquake, floods, landslides and fire are common phenomenon. The bygone disasters of Nepal have higher graphic data records of casualties and loss of properties. It cannot be ruled out either the forthcoming days would be more disastrous owing to over growth of population, inappropriate construction works and unabated over use of natural resources leading to high risks.
        There are instances such as one on April 23 of 2009 incident where 13 Nepal Army personnel got to burn death on the attempt to prevent stormy forest fire from spreading to nearby village of Ramechhap. In rescue operations security personnel must have their secured security for themselves to render others. No matter how good physical capability and know-how do exist on ground it would not suffice to impending dangers unless well planned. Similarly on September 11, 2001 in New York, brigade of fire fighters rushing to rescue victims of the Twin Tower blast incident lost their lives under debris fallen on them. Likewise in the earthquake incident of Bhaktapur, Nepal in the year 1988 large number of people met to tragic death of crowd stampede while receiving relief aids and food.
         This scribe recalls while in peacekeeping field mission of United Nations in Former Yugoslavia of Kosovo in the year 2001 had carried rescue operations of traffic accident casualties along international police officers with surgical gloves. Taking of preventive measures by rescuers falls on priority to avoid possibilities of HIV AIDS and Hepatitis infections through the bleeding injuries. On the contrary infected security personnel could be another risk to injured ones through broken skin of nails or arm limbs. Rescuing victims from beneath fallen structures would be sensitive and utmost care is deemed of trained and equipped manpower or else forceful pulling could cost lives unknowingly for absence of knowledge.
        It cannot be ascertained of the whole gathering of people around the incident site would be necessarily kind and cooperative. There could be ironically some to look for valuables or else than for rescue or relief. Pouring of audience at the site without specific purpose would initiate hassles. Rescuers need patience and human sentiments to tackle the uneasy situations wherein the survivors rush in search of their kith and kin. Miko High School students of Kobe, Japan have been doing incredible job of sharing their experience and knowledge of rescuing people in Nepal under the international program of UNCRD Hygo Office and NSET-Nepal.
         The series of incidents could be indefinite for instance running ambulances on its way get to mishap. The foremost what rescuers have to adopt should be calm and stick to principles of safety. Hitherto the rescue would be possible on the condition that the rescuers themselves are safe. For the aforesaid reasons prior to the taking flight of air planes as for the safety instructions their passengers are advised of using oxygen masks for own self and later to kids. Disaster management could be more effective, efficient and result oriented provided it is conducted with concern agencies in befitting professional manner of close coordination and co-work.

04 December 2013

Published in: Nepali version
Special Publication Bulletin 2014
APF Disaster Management Training Center, Kurintar

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